Sunday, September 1, 2013


There it, inevitably, is: the season shift.
Today it's September 1:st and autumn is officially here. There will still be sunny days, walking around outside in short sleeves and having coffee outside but there will probably not be any more bathing in the ocean or chilling on the beach in a bikini.
Hopefully there will be more beach visits, even if they'll be dressed ones.

As sad as it feels leaving summer, games, fun, eating outside at gorgeous restaurants and BBQ:ing and just being outside, as calming does it feel. Every year I conclude here that a new pace is coming: slower, not as social and more inside. No having to hurry outside because the sun is shining and no covering the skin in sun lotion but chilling. I'll chill on the couch, I'll write, I'll blog and I'll sip both wine and coffee and I sure will engage in interesting conversations as well IRL as online and on IG!

Love life and love the seasons shifting, that brings the possibility of focusing on different areas of life at different times.
Patience and stillness are challenges I'll devote myself to this autumn/winter season.

Some of the last summer pics await you below.

Hi there, hurry back summer!!

Breakfasts to remember <3

Bye bye to garden work (not that we have that much)..!

The active season!

Outside activities...

The oriental room. Loved it! 
It did attract and capture flies and bumblebees though, to an extent that felt like torturing those animals, so next year we'll extend the deck and build an Oriental room instead.
Good thing we can catch our breaths during the "dark season" eh?!!

To think that a thin net can create such a new feeling and mood - incredible! 

Summer rain and soon the autumn rains will start.

Butterflies and bumblebees love love love these flowers!

Getting along just fine <3

All kinds of summer activities!

Crazy fun!!

Gotta love summer, eh?!!


There they go again.

Perseverance and they are still at it, too!

Thus far, summer reports. I have a whole good batch of Legloand pics and a love story to share with you and it will all come up in good time.
Today is Sunday and we've welcomed autumn with a breakfast by the TV and now a few cups of coffee in here. Thursday evenings are booked for my reading to hubs, from a good book. It's indoor activities like that, that take precedence now.

Hubs starts his new job Monday - what a thrill!!! Please keep your fingers crossed for him!

Have a splendid new week, all of you. Those of you who welcomed spring today: take care of Miss Spring and treat her right, so we'll see her again next year, please ;-)

Nothing but love to you.

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