Saturday, October 6, 2012


The soccer boy, that's my boy!
Autumn is here, there is no doubt. The last soccer cup took place one freezing day, late september. I hadn't understood summer was over so I upped and threw summer clothes on and off we went...

 Flowers are still in bloom in gardens around our area.

Freezing times at the soccer field!

Unfortunately The Boy was also dressed too coldly, poor thing.

The cute team. 

Lots of action! 

We put warmer things on him. 

You all know I've been doing some soul searching since my vaca and after the last year I've had. I've decided to cut away the things I do that aren't The Absolutely Most Important Ones. It hasn't been easy but it definately is doable.
Most important, of course, are my boys and my husband and the cutie pie of a dog!
I can't keep all blogs up, that I have been, 'cuz I've started writing another project and I've started exercise a lot more.
There simply isn't enough time.
I will cut more things out, I really want my life to be about what is important to me, and only that.

Instead of getting a much deserved sleep-in after my trip to a book fair, I went to the soccer cup early. 

 I did not regret going, one bit!!

Yep, it was COLD. 

This is important to me. 

He's getting braver and better and most importantly: he has a blast!


Celebrations and hugs :-) 

A worm caught the kiddo's attention... 

Hot dogs and awards! 

In case you didn't know: an award is a goooood thing! 

My new writing process gets me to old times that aren't fond memories. It's painful as h*ll but it's also some kind of closure. It is very much a calling since I think it's an important story to tell.
So, I'll keep scaling other commitments down.
I'll keep you posted on the progress in that department.

Fall means colds and sore throats. I'm at it again, in bed.
Sunday is a workday for me, so I sign off here, wishing you a fantastic weekend!

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