Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Welcome Wednesday!

The volunteering that didn't take place. Almost...
Yeah, Saturday we were supposed to volunteer. You know the story. We didn't. We got lost. We were LATE. We also had FUN!
How on earth does that add up?

It was a darn cold Saturday and I felt immensely sorry for the people arranging the benefit. It was so cold you feared you actually might get very ill from being there. Amazing but true and still: fab day!
Go figure, eh?!!

A sweet young girl sang on a stage and one man was the audience... Poor girl.

"Cold" happens to be an understatement.

The police cars, that would usually have interested The Boy was of no interest this day.
The freezing sensation was all consuming.

The place was cute, however!

And the wind strong.

Friends, being the issue again
Making friends after moving is a big deal. In our little town we made zero friends, as of yet. We have tried but no luck so far. Thankfully I have some gems of colleagues, in the city where I work, and one of those has proven to be someone really special. I enjoy her happiness, her caring and her personality very much.
Thank heaven for her!
Good thing she and her family dragged us out, Saturday. And thank goodness they came to our place for coffee and then dinner, after...

Their oldest, a sweet girl, and The Boy get along perfectly!

Since papa keeps saying our grass has to grow, for real, before he 
puts the trampoline together (to The Boy's grief) The Boy really
enjoyed this one.

Those cute kids!

There's nothing like a burger or hot dog, when you're cold and hungry!!

My friend's sister's husband and their son. How cute are they, huh?!!

Kids are amazing: they jump themselves warm and they ignore cold...

The Freezing Daddys <3
Looking sharp. Looking swag!

It looks so summery and nice - and still... I was freezing the famous *ss off!!

Sweet as candy!

Cutie pie!

My son and my friend. How lucky I am.

As I said: kiddos...

The Boy appreciated the fact that food and drink and candy was free...!

They sure don't care about the weather.

Coffee and fruit outside!

Feeling perky!

Feeling extra perky...


Tell tale spring sign in this town.

Hello handsome Mr Blackbird!

Wishing you a fab Wednesday!
I'll stay at home with The Ill Boy. Hubs has an interview....

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