Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The grail, the unicorn and the rainbow...

Kelle does it so well, speak of the unicorn and the rainbow. She talks about it being a way of life and she's right.
I too try to make every day special and many moments a little magical by adding new value, new thoughts to it. In my case there is also an element of grail-hunting, since I pursue something daily whether I'm at work or off duty.
To me an important part of life is this pursuit and I don't suppose I'll find any grails but I'm sure I will die trying!

A favorite unicorn.

Leaving it's traces... when there's snow it tells of magic!

My Boy finds it magic, having money of his own.

I can see grail searching in his eyes.

My unicorns and rainbows
Unicorns that I mostly hang out with are birds - they're free, they're singing, they're flying and I adore them all. I keep trying for a perfect shot of them and will keep the task up.  Other unicorns are the sunsets and the sunrises - marvelous and indescribable!

My rainbows lead me from morning 'til evening, from Monday 'til Friday and from one meeting with my firstborn, to another. I'm, guessing they're what will bring me from here 'til eternity too? This thing called life is, for sure, a walk over a rainbow accompanied by unicorns flying beside you.
Who cares where the unicorn comes from or what's on the other end of the rainbow? Isn't that magical walk all that counts? A wonder in its own right?

Why walk the cleared path when there are piles?!

Dancing the day away, even with an upcoming fever!

Rainbow, anywhere?

Loving a Saturday.

Me and my boy.

The rainbow walking family!

Yes, enjoying time together is a treat!

Our equivalent of the Wall Street Bull...

More soccer cards were bought.

Joyful times!

I'm thinking that in the bigger picture you really ought to take this fab attitude and make mind over matter come true and influence yourself in every situation, even the bad ones, the frightening ones?
I guess it takes quite some working on - and there it is: yet another grail to go after!
I'm game and I'm so glad my hubs is game, my sons are both game.
My father has one saying in life and it is "life is an adventure" and he is so right in that! Maybe I got something from him in that department?!

Loading up some birds for you!

Summing all my grails up, makes for this: making every day a favorite day, finding Five Fabs every day, Tuesday Snuggle forever, Thursday Charge Time and the heavenly weekends!!!! How can you not like that prospect? How is that not walking a rainbow, accompanied by a unicorn?

Wednesday's here and it leads to a Friday soon.
After a easy and healthy breakfast, I'm in for a home cooked soup for lunch and another kind of home cooked soup for dinner, at work. 

Yep, Wednesday is my longest work day. On the train home there will be music and reading all my friends' status updates at Facebook, probably saying they're busy clearing the paths to their doors in all that snow.
Hopefully there's a unicorn secretly walking beside them, making sure all is well under the moon...

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